Columbus East High School Auditorium – 6:30 P.M. Sunday, June 9, 2024
Admission: $2 per person over 5 yrs. 5 yrs and younger free.
Official Rules and Regulations
Each contestant must be at least 12 years of age and cannot have had her 16th birthday as of June 29, 2024 (the final day of the 2024 Bartholomew County 4-H Fair).
The contestant must be a resident of Bartholomew County or be an active member of a Bartholomew County 4-H Club.
An informational meeting will be held at the Extension Annex behind the Extension Office, 783 S Marr Road, on May 28, 2024 at 6:30 pm. Please make sure the contestant and at least one parent or guardian can attend.
A mock interview session will be held at the Extension Annex on June 4, 2024 at 6:30 pm. Interviews will be held prior to the Princess Contest. Individual times will be determined and given out at the parent meeting.
The contestants will be judged on interview and resume, poise and personality in the competition. The judging is divided into four divisions:
Interview With Judging Panel
Maximum 7-minute interview with judging panel. Attire: Dress pants, skirts,
dresses or suits are all acceptable interview attire.
On Stage Introductions – Attire: Jeans and t-shirt
Theme Wear
A representation of you, personality, goal and/or interest. Props are allowed.
Formal Wear
Attire: The dress may be any length. No slit above the knee or low-cut
bodice. Dress should be age appropriate.
Photo: Princess – SIDNEY JOHNSON
Winners will be selected by a panel of judges. The decision of the judges will be final. The Princess will reign during the Bartholomew County 4-H Fair June 21-June 29, 2024. Each contestant must be an active member of at least one worthwhile organization in her community, such as church groups, 4-H, Girl Scouts, etc. Eligibility is not limited to 4-H.